Thursday, December 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

This halloween Nancey and I went as Andy Warhol and a giant tomato soup can.
My initial Idea was to buy some hula hoops and some canvas and construct a tube suit. For some reason Toys R' Us discontinued hula hoops, WEAK. What's up with that? Next stop was halloween express to find nancey a wig and some makeup. As many of you may know, most halloween expresses are fucking huge, so was this one. While wandering around overwhelmed and drooling I came across a Beer Can Costume for $40. At first $40 seemed like a ridiculous amount for a foam can suit. The more I thought about it $40 didn't seem so bad considering how much construction time it would save me. My eye was on the real prize, painting the label. It also didn't help that it was payday and I had an excess of cash. So I bought it. Next stop, Wal-mart. I know, I know it's satanic and evil, however it's sort of interesting shopping at Wal-mart, atleast in the midwest. You see the most unique, weird plethora of the human race. Anyway, I picked up a few yards of canvas, a quart of red rustoleum gloss paint, and various cheap paint brushes. Using the oil based rustoleum paints was sort of fun because they took awhile to dry, so if you made a mistake you were stuck with it and would have to wait until the next session to touch it up. This really made me think things out before I jumped in. After filling in the solid red and white color fields and the metallic gold seal circle I pinned the label up on a blank portion of wall.

campbells soup label

I printed a few reference cans at work and did a rough layout with a pencil. Was sort of tricky since I was painting flat words based on a photo of the words on a round can. Didn't worry about it too much (obviously, look how jacked up my TOMATO type looks hahahaha). I had alot of problems with drips but in the end went back and chopped them all off. The final task was to sew the label on the beer can. This ended up being a HUGE pain in the ass. I had to sew it by hand obviously and there were some parts in the foam that were really tough to get the needle through. At one point i was using an altoids tin to push the needle through, leaving deep dents on it. Sewing only took a little over an hour but it seemed like forever. Got alot of positivity wandering around on Halloween. The party we went to was sort of weak but then we hit this club by our apartment and danced a little, there was a really tall gay dude dressed as michael phelps dominating the dance floor, that was pretty awesome. Erick was Ziggy Stardust that was also pretty awesome. Oh speaking of the weak party, Dave showed up with his crew. Armahn pulled off lil wayne. Thanks for the Bob Dole Tape. That's about it for halloween.

Creating this costume really got my hand painted juices flowing. I have alot of type paintings in the works and plan on doing some posts about them, so keep your eye out. I promise it won't be another few months hahaahahaha.