Monday, February 25, 2008

Originally uploaded by nanceypantalones

some days it seems like my passion for food is too overpowering of my time. i still dont know if it is something bad or good.
my relationship with photography is still a love/hate. sometimes i love it so much its all i think of, and some other times i feel like i should be doing something far more productive with my life rather than sitting in a room and discussing the colour of a girls shirt damaging a photograph. it seems ridiculous. i think most of my hate comes from my hate towards school. as of right now im in love. im in love with being able to capture what i see in my head. i am in love with being able to create my art and i love the direction its taking. overall i think i am pretty happy with how things are going.
on a more serious note(ha!): i am never ashamed of my love for the giant that is brangelina. and how exciting is it that she is pregnant again!? if i were ever to get my dream present it would have to be the W magazine in which they did a 60 page spread on them.

its about 60$ on ebay and you know whats coming up? my anniversary with the boyfriend (;))
a while ago i got ridiculously into runway fashion shows. well today i finally got to see the only runway i am ever excited to see every season: Burberry Prorsum. just how fucking sexy adorable is this coat? and by the way who is super excited about their new parfum (the beat) coming out in march? i know i am!

i feel like this was a whole lot of nothing. sorry =\ maybe next time i will update something more worth reading.

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